Who we are


Linus Drop

Co-Founder & CEO
  • Linus has been acti­ve in the Ger­man health­ca­re sec­tor for over 30 years, inclu­ding more than 15 years as mana­ging direc­tor of various lea­ding tele­me­di­ci­ne pro­vi­ders.
  • On behalf of the Ger­man govern­ment, he was respon­si­ble for the estab­lish­ment of the nati­on­wi­de „Inde­pen­dent Pati­ent Coun­seling Ser­vice“.

  • Linus is a seri­al foun­der and foun­ded the digi­tal health care start­up jume­di GmbH.

Markus Liesmann

Co-Founder & COO
  • is an expert in new forms of care and has been acti­ve in the health­ca­re sec­tor for more than 25 years as a mana­ging direc­tor and share­hol­der.
  • He deve­lo­ped one of the lar­gest pri­va­te out­pa­ti­ent care ser­vices in North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia and was co-foun­der of today’s WZ-Wund­Zen­tren GmbH, for which he deve­lo­ped loca­ti­ons nati­on­wi­de.

Supporters & Investors

Björn von Siemens

Chairman LillianCare

Healthcare-Investor, Founder & CFO Caresyntax

Inga Bergen

Health Visionary, Enterpreneur,
Digital Health Pioneer

Dr. Markus Frühwein

Specialist for general medicine Practice Frühwein and Partner, MedQS

Ulrich Weigeldt

Former Chairman of the German Association of Family Physicians

Wolfgang Gerlach-Reinholz

Family Doctor (general medicine, palliative medicine and geriatric primary care)

Prof. Dr. Volker Amelung

Focus Professorship for International Health Systems Research

Dr. Bernadette Klapper

Federal Manager of the German Professional Association for Nursing Professions e.V.

Matthias Ambiel

CEO of DentaDox and M&A Expert

Simon Krause

Head of Executive Communications & Media Relations at Siemens AG

Jessica Baxmann

Global Head of Communications for Technology & Innovation at SAP

Guido Mecklenbeck

Managing Partner, Quadricon 4 Investment GmbH

Dr. Florian Fuhrmann

Chairman of the Executive Board, gematik – German National Agency for Digital Medicine

Dr. med. Dipl. med. Thomas Urbach

Primary care specialist, GP in the Westerwald since 1991

About Lillian D. Wald

Lil­li­an D. Wald (10 March 1867 – 1 Sep­tem­ber 1940)

After atten­ding school, Lil­li­an Wald began stu­dy­ing at the New York Hos­pi­tal Trai­ning School for Nur­ses in 1883 and then work­ed as a nur­se. In 1891 she took up stu­dies in medi­ci­ne at the Women’s Medi­cal Col­lege. While stu­dy­ing, she was assi­gned to teach home nur­sing in the den­se­ly popu­la­ted and poor Lower East Side of Man­hat­tan.

Affec­ted by the con­di­ti­ons the­re, she deci­ded to quit medi­cal school and devo­te hers­elf to nur­sing as her life’s work. She foun­ded the Hen­ry Street Visi­ting Nur­se Ser­vice in 1893, which pro­vi­ded medi­cal ser­vices to pati­ents who could not finan­ci­al­ly afford to see a doc­tor.

This nur­sing ser­vice gave rise to the pio­nee­ring social pro­ject „Hen­ry Street Sett­le­ment“. Within a few years, the orga­ni­sa­ti­on pro­vi­ded health care for thou­sands of New Yor­kers. For years, the insti­tu­ti­on also ran the city’s first public nur­sing school and sum­mer camps for dis­ad­van­ta­ged child­ren.

Her life’s work is an inspi­ra­ti­on and a model for us — this is why we have cho­sen her name for our com­pa­ny.