Who we are

We, the team at Lil­li­an­Ca­re, are pio­neers with an unwa­ve­ring pas­si­on for health­ca­re. Our mis­si­on is to rede­fi­ne pri­ma­ry health­ca­re with inno­va­ti­ve and modern approa­ches. Each of us brings in-depth pro­fes­sio­nal exper­ti­se and a strong com­mit­ment to excel­lence in the pro­vi­si­on of health­ca­re. Tog­e­ther, we are working to make las­ting chan­ges to the health­ca­re land­scape for the bene­fit of our pati­ents and all stake­hol­ders. In addi­ti­on to our incre­di­ble team, we also bene­fit from excep­tio­nal sup­port from a net­work of advi­sors, inves­tors and indus­try experts to help us rea­li­se Lil­li­an­Ca­re’s visi­on.

Management Team

Linus Drop

Linus Drop

Founder & Co-CEO

Daniel Hefel

Founder & Co-CEO

Jan Nowak

Head of Operations

Jan-Felix Simon

Head of Growth, Consultant

Meike South

Head of Marketing & Communications

Nane Preuss

Head of Finance & Administration

Olen Johannsen

Head of Product Strategy & Innovation

Advisory Board & Investors


Ulrich Weigeldt

Former Chairman of the German Association of Family Physicians

Dr. Bernadette Klapper

Federal Manager of the German Professional Association for Nursing Professions e.V.

Prof. Dr. Volker Amelung

Focus Professorship for International Health Systems Research

Jessica Baxmann

Global Head of Communications for Technology & Innovation bei SAP

Simon Krause

Head of Executive Communications & Media Relations bei Siemens AG

Medical Advisory Board

Wolfgang Gerlach-Reinholz

Family Doctor (general medicine, palliative medicine and geriatric primary care)

Dr. Markus Frühwein

Specialist for general medicine Practice Frühwein and Partner, MedQS

Dr. med. Dipl. med. Thomas Urbach

Primary care specialist, GP in the Westerwald since 1991

Angels / Successful Founders

Björn von Siemens

Healthcare-Investor, Founder & CFO Caresyntax

Inga Bergen

Health Visionary, Enterpreneur,
Digital Health Pioneer

Nils Glagau

Orthomol / German "Shark Tank" member

Stefan Menden

HRangels, xing, secret escapes

Wieland Sommer

Co-Founder planerio & smartreporting

Pascal Werner

Co-Founder Mimi Hearing

Finn Wentzler

Atlantis Ventures

Fredrik Debong

Co-Founder mysugr

Guido Mecklen­beck

Managing Partner, Quadricon 4 Investment GmbH

Health Venture Capital and Family Offices

Nina Capital
Calm/Storm Ventures
Ship2B Foundation
Venture League
Buchholz in der Nordheide
Caesar Ventures Management
Ortho Innovations
Atlantis Ventures

Our Inspiration: Lillian D. Wald

The name ‘Lil­li­an­Ca­re’ is a tri­bu­te to Lil­li­an D. Wald (1867–1940), a pio­neer of nur­sing and social care. Lil­li­an Wald began her care­er as a nur­se and later beca­me a strong advo­ca­te for health care for com­mu­ni­ties in need. She foun­ded the Hen­ry Street Visi­ting Nur­se Ser­vice, which pro­vi­ded medi­cal care to tho­se who could not afford to see a doc­tor. Her com­mit­ment led to the estab­lish­ment of the pio­nee­ring social pro­ject ‘Hen­ry Street Sett­le­ment’, which gave thou­sands of New Yor­kers access to basic health­ca­re.

At Lil­li­an­Ca­re, we look to Lil­li­an Wald as a source of inspi­ra­ti­on. Her com­mit­ment to impro­ving health­ca­re and her dedi­ca­ti­on to the needs of the com­mu­ni­ty are reflec­ted in our mis­si­on. Our name stands for com­pas­si­on, inno­va­ti­on and modern medi­cal care that is ori­en­ted towards the needs of our socie­ty.