The non-profit subsidiary of LillianCare offers psychosocial care for traumatized refugees
Ensuring healthcare services is not only challenging in primary care, but also in the treatment of refugees suffering from psychological trauma. Our Psychosocial Centre (PSZ) is dedicated to providing holistic care and counselling for traumatised asylum seekers in Mainz (Germany) and the surrounding area.
A multi-professional team consisting of experienced psychotherapists, social workers and doctors provides people with caring, profound and respectful treatment and counselling. In the supportive atmosphere of the PSZ, those seeking refuge experience protection, guidance and appreciation.
Our main focus is on the care and treatment of traumatised refugees and migrants, in particular the professional and caring support of women and their children. Our aim is to improve the living conditions of asylum seekers and to promote their mental and physical health. These are the basis for their successful and equitable integration into our society.

Our services
Psychotherapeutic support

Social counselling
Flexible care

Do you have any questions?
We are always open to suggestions for improving the situation of refugees in Mainz and the surrounding area.
LillianHelp gGmbH:
Psychosoziales Zentrum für Flucht und Folteropfer
Opening hours: 09:00 – 14:00 (appointments by prior arrangement)
Phone: +4961314942170
Fax: +4961314942171
Address: Schillerstraße 26–28, D‑55116 Mainz, Germany