Mann­heim, June 18, 2024 – Lil­li­an­Ca­re, a pio­nee­ring health­ca­re com­pa­ny dedi­ca­ted to tack­ling Germany’s cri­ti­cal phy­si­ci­an shorta­ge, proud­ly announ­ces the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of a €1.5 mil­li­on exten­si­on fun­ding round. Nina Capi­tal and cae­sar. led the exten­si­on, high­light­ing their ongo­ing com­mit­ment to LillianCare’s visi­on. This round also wel­co­med seve­ral new inves­tors, inclu­ding Ship2B Ven­tures (through the BSo­cial Impact Fund, sup­port­ed by the FEI, Ban­co Sab­a­dell and AXIS), unders­coring strong con­fi­dence in LillianCare’s mis­si­on and inno­va­ti­ve approach.

Reaffirmed Commitment from Existing Investors

Lea­ding inves­tors Nina Capi­tal and cae­sar., along with Calm/Storm Ven­tures and Björn von Sie­mens, have once again demons­tra­ted their sup­port by reinves­t­ing in Lil­li­an­Ca­re. This con­tin­ued back­ing from estab­lished inves­tors unders­cores their belief in LillianCare’s abili­ty to address Germany’s urgent gene­ral health­ca­re needs.

“We’ve alre­a­dy seen the posi­ti­ve impact of LillianCare’s two estab­lished prac­ti­ces in Nastät­ten and Neu­erburg,” said Marc Subi­rats, Gene­ral Part­ner at Nina Capi­tal. “We are exci­ted to con­ti­nue sup­port­ing their jour­ney and look for­ward to see­ing fur­ther prac­ti­ces open across Ger­ma­ny.”

Dr. Caro­lin Gabor, Mana­ging Part­ner at cae­sar., added, „With 4,100 gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ner posi­ti­ons curr­ent­ly unfil­led, the urgen­cy of an inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­on like LillianCare’s is evi­dent. We are proud to sup­port the team’s mis­si­on and look for­ward to the posi­ti­ve impact they will con­ti­nue to make.“

New Investors Join the Mission

The fun­ding round attrac­ted seve­ral new inves­tors, inclu­ding Ship2B Ven­tures, which made a signi­fi­cant invest­ment as a new co-inves­­tor. As an impact invest­ment com­pa­ny, Ship2B’s invol­vement empha­si­zes belief in LillianCare’s com­mit­ment.

“LillianCare’s inno­va­ti­ve hybrid prac­ti­ce model and dedi­ca­ti­on to impro­ving health­ca­re acces­si­bi­li­ty reso­na­tes deep­ly with our mis­si­on to dri­ve social impact,” said Jor­di Fer­rer, Invest­ment Direc­tor at Ship2B. “We belie­ve their approach will not only pro­vi­de imme­dia­te reli­ef to under­ser­ved com­mu­ni­ties but also set a new stan­dard in the health­ca­re indus­try.”

Other nota­ble new inves­tors include Atlan­tis Ven­tures, Ste­fan Men­den, Pas­cal Wer­ner, and Mar­kus Früh­wein, a mem­ber of LillianCare’s advi­so­ry board. Their par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on brings addi­tio­nal exper­ti­se and vali­da­ti­on to LillianCare’s inno­va­ti­ve approach.

A Message from the CEO, Linus Drop

“We are hum­bled and gra­teful for the con­tin­ued sup­port from our cur­rent inves­tors and exci­ted to wel­co­me new inves­tors who share our visi­on,” said Linus Drop, CEO and Co-Foun­­der of Lil­li­an­Ca­re.