Hei­del­berg / Kiel, 28.12.2023: Lil­li­an Care, pro­vi­der of inno­va­ti­ve prac­ti­ce con­cepts for GP care, and the renow­ned prac­ti­ce manage­ment sys­tem pro­vi­der T2med from Kiel (Ger­ma­ny) today signed a con­tract estab­li­shing a long-term deve­lo­p­ment part­ner­ship. As a result, the medi­cal prac­ti­ce manage­ment sys­tem will not only be adapt­ed to the spe­cial needs of Lil­li­an prac­ti­ces. The focus is on sup­port­ing hybrid pri­ma­ry health ser­vices through pati­ent-cen­t­­red appli­ca­ti­ons and tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions.

Lil­li­an Care hat­te sich schon früh für das moder­ne Pra­xis­ver­wal­tungs­sys­tem des nord­deut­schen Anbie­ters T2med für die Aus­stat­tung sämt­li­cher Stand­or­te ent­schie­den. Die ehr­gei­zi­gen Plä­ne des Unter­neh­mens bedurf­ten vor allem eines inno­va­ti­ven, tech­no­lo­gie­of­fe­nen und benut­zer­freund­li­chen Sys­tems, um damit best­mög­lich die beson­de­ren Anfor­de­run­gen inter­pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Behand­ler­teams zu unter­stüt­zen.

Technological openness for the medical practice of tomorrow

„The deve­lo­p­ment part­ner­ship we have now ente­red into marks our mutu­al desi­re to joint­ly faci­li­ta­te hybrid gene­ral medi­cal prac­ti­ces and sup­port pati­ents and tre­at­ment teams with a future-ori­en­­ted and user-fri­en­d­­ly solu­ti­on,“ says Linus Drop, CEO and co-foun­­der of Lil­li­an Care GmbH, explai­ning the move. „We are deligh­ted to have found such an inno­va­ti­ve part­ner in T2med.“

The initi­al focus of the coope­ra­ti­on is on the joint deve­lo­p­ment of an inter­face for the inte­gra­ti­on of the Lil­li­an Care pati­ent app into the prac­ti­ce manage­ment sys­tem in order to enable authen­ti­ca­ti­on, online appoint­ment boo­king and the crea­ti­on of an indi­vi­du­al pati­ent histo­ry as well as its secu­re trans­fer to the sys­tem. „Howe­ver, this inter­face will not only form the basis for effi­ci­ent use of the Lil­li­an app. It will be the basis for future key func­tions in day-to-day prac­ti­ce work in order to pro­vi­de doc­tors with the best pos­si­ble sup­port in their important work with pati­ents,“ adds Peter von der Bur­chard, Mana­ging Part­ner of T2med. „It will enable the digi­tal pati­ent file, the issuing of fol­­low-up pre­scrip­ti­ons, an inte­gra­ted chat func­tion and the effec­ti­ve manage­ment of tre­at­ment pro­ces­ses by health­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nals in spe­ci­fic sequen­ces. In short: with T2med, we are final­ly offe­ring Lil­li­an prac­ti­ces the digi­tal work­flows that will soon be indis­pensable for pri­ma­ry health care in rural regi­ons.“

The first ver­si­on of this inter­face is curr­ent­ly in the final test pha­se. The offi­ci­al go-live is plan­ned for 1 Febru­ary 2024. This part­ner­ship marks a signi­fi­cant advan­ce in health­ca­re by dri­ving the use of cut­­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gy to impro­ve pati­ent expe­ri­ence and effi­ci­en­cy in medi­cal prac­ti­ces.


About Lil­li­an Care:
Lil­li­an Care ali­gns the gro­wing chal­lenges in medi­cal­ly under­ser­ved regi­ons with the spe­cial requi­re­ments of modern health­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nals. The com­pa­ny was foun­ded by Linus Drop, Dr Flo­ri­an Fuhr­mann and Mar­kus Lies­mann. With their many years of expe­ri­ence in various are­as of the Ger­man and inter­na­tio­nal health­ca­re sys­tem, they intend to repo­si­ti­on pri­ma­ry health­ca­re as an attrac­ti­ve, modern and pati­ent-cen­t­­red pro­fes­sio­nal field and thus expand into regi­ons that have long strug­g­led to secu­re medi­cal assis­tance.

An expert advi­so­ry board led by Ulrich Wei­geldt, Hono­ra­ry Chair­man of the Ger­man Asso­cia­ti­on of Fami­ly Phy­si­ci­ans, Dr Ber­na­dette Klap­per and Prof. Dr Vol­ker Ame­lung as well as Bjoern von Sie­mens as an acti­ve inves­tor are sup­port­ing the foun­ding team in the chall­enge of safe­guar­ding rural are­as from medi­cal deser­ti­fi­ca­ti­on.

The name Lil­li­an Care is inspi­red by Lil­li­an Wald, who is regard­ed as the foun­der of com­mu­ni­ty nur­sing in Ame­ri­ca. She not only work­ed tire­less­ly as a nur­se in the poor neigh­bour­hoods of New York City, but also foun­ded a nur­se orga­ni­sa­ti­on. Her aim was to pro­vi­de equal medi­cal care for all peo­p­le. With her hands-on and pro­­blem-sol­­ving approach, she had a major influence on the deve­lo­p­ment of the public health sys­tem.

About T2med:
T2med is the deve­lo­per and dis­tri­bu­tor of modern and inno­va­ti­ve soft­ware for medi­cal prac­ti­ces. Foun­ded in 2012 by pri­ma­ry health­ca­re prac­ti­tio­ner Dr Hans Joa­chim von der Bur­chard with the aim of pro­vi­ding medi­cal prac­ti­ces with modern, fast and pro­fes­sio­nal soft­ware, the fami­ly busi­ness is now run by the second gene­ra­ti­on.

In addi­ti­on to an intui­ti­ve inter­face and modern soft­ware archi­tec­tu­re, T2med was deve­lo­ped with the pati­ent side in mind right from the start. With the deve­lo­p­ment of the pati­ent app Pat­Med in 2018, T2med coin­ed the term phy­­si­ci­an-pati­ent sys­tem (APS in Ger­man).

T2med’s growth is stron­gly cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the ever-gro­­wing T2med com­mu­ni­ty, which dri­ves con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment with feed­back and sug­ges­ti­ons for new fea­tures. Thanks to this pro­xi­mi­ty to users, inno­va­ti­ve fea­tures and a col­le­gi­al, phy­­si­ci­an-ori­en­­ted pri­cing model wit­hout hid­den modu­le pri­ces, T2med has been one of the prac­ti­ce manage­ment sys­tem pro­vi­ders with the stron­gest growth in Ger­ma­ny and across all spe­cia­list groups for years. Almost 3,000 medi­cal prac­ti­ces across Ger­ma­ny curr­ent­ly use T2med.

Press Cont­act:
Linus Drop