We are deligh­ted to announ­ce that Lil­li­an­Ca­re is sup­port­ing the first Phy­si­ci­an Assistant Con­gress on Octo­ber 5th in Solin­gen as the main spon­sor. This part­ner­ship not only high­lights our strong com­mit­ment to pro­vi­ding high-qua­­li­­ty and local medi­cal care in Ger­ma­ny but also our sin­ce­re app­re­cia­ti­on for the cen­tral role of Phy­si­ci­an Assistants in our tre­at­ment approach.

In our hybrid prac­ti­ces, stra­te­gi­cal­ly estab­lished in under­ser­ved regi­ons, Phy­si­ci­an Assistants play a cen­tral role in our care. Working clo­se­ly with our doc­tors, Medi­cal Assistants (MFAs), and sta­­te-of-the-art soft­ware, they under­ta­ke cru­cial tasks to ensu­re medi­cal care at the hig­hest level despi­te the shorta­ge of doc­tors.

At Lil­li­an­Ca­re, our goal is to deve­lop long-term effec­ti­ve solu­ti­ons for pati­ent-cen­­­te­­red medi­ci­ne in under­ser­ved are­as. We reco­gni­ze the important role of Phy­si­ci­an Assistants in this endea­vor. They are not only a vital addi­ti­on to the Ger­man health­ca­re sys­tem but also a key sup­port for the future of medi­cal care. Their skills and dedi­ca­ti­on are cru­cial in ensu­ring com­pre­hen­si­ve and high-qua­­li­­ty care, espe­ci­al­ly in regi­ons facing an acu­te shorta­ge of doc­tors.

For this reason, we stron­gly encou­ra­ge ever­yo­ne inte­res­ted to par­ti­ci­pa­te in this con­gress to expe­ri­ence the spi­rit of the „PA sce­ne“ first­hand.

Linus Drop, CEO and Co-foun­­der of Lil­li­an­Ca­re, empha­si­zes: „With high­ly qua­li­fied Phy­si­ci­an Assistants, we are sha­ping the future of out­pa­ti­ent health­ca­re in Ger­ma­ny!“

We are proud to sup­port this con­gress and the Ger­man Socie­ty for Phy­si­ci­an Assistants e.V. (DGPA)! We look for­ward to an enga­ging exch­an­ge in Solin­gen!