
Your Future with LillianCare: More Than Just a Job

Physicians, Physician Assistants and Medical Administrative Assistants wanted!

Are you rea­dy to beco­me part of a move­ment that is revo­lu­tio­ni­s­ing pri­ma­ry medi­cal care in Ger­ma­ny?

At Lil­li­an­Ca­re, you can make a real dif­fe­rence and actively con­tri­bu­te to tack­ling the shorta­ge of gene­ral prac­ti­tio­ners in rural are­as. Our pro­ven model, which has alre­a­dy been suc­cessful­ly imple­men­ted in other count­ries, offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make the most of your skills.

Why LillianCare?

Our hybrid prac­ti­ces com­bi­ne tra­di­tio­nal medi­ci­ne with sta­te-of-the-art tele­me­di­ci­ne for fle­xi­ble and effi­ci­ent care. Work in a for­ward-thin­king envi­ron­ment that gives you more time for pati­ents.

Our col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve model encou­ra­ges team­work bet­ween phy­si­ci­ans, Phy­si­ci­an Assistants and Medi­cal Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve Assistants. We offer a modern work envi­ron­ment, trai­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties, fle­xi­ble hours and a sup­port­i­ve team.

Career benefits for Physicians

Hybrid practice model

Hybrid practice model integrating telemedicine for a new experience in primary healthcare.

Home office option

Work-life balance guaranteed, with flexible working time models, home office options and a focus on personal wellbeing.

Modern working environment

A modern work environment that frees you from non-medical tasks.

Focus on care

Opportunity to focus on patient care without the burden of administrative tasks.

“In our practice, physicians, physician assistants and nurses work hand in hand for the benefit of the patient. Together, we leverage our diverse expertise and experience, because more minds think better than one alone.”
– Michael Hausen, Chief Physician, LillianCare Practice Nastätten

Career benefits for Physician Assistants

Competitive salary

Competitive salary and clear career opportunities.

Care instead of bureaucracy

Focus on patient care instead of bureaucratic tasks.

Work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance with fixed working hours.

The future of primary healthcare

Opportunity to actively participate in shaping the future of primary healthcare.

“Working as a Physician Assistant at LillianCare is more than just having a job; it's a commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care that reflects our core values of humanity, innovation and accessibility.”
– Heiko Böres, Physician Assistant, LillianCare Practice Nastätten

Career benefits for Medical Administrative Assistants

Patient care instead of administration

Focus on patient care instead of administrative tasks.

Light organisational workload

Relief from organisational challenges through digitally and AI-controlled processes, so you can concentrate fully on your key tasks.

Qualitative teamwork

Be part of an interdisciplinary team without rigid hierarchies.

Modern facilities

Experience modern practice facilities featuring state-of-the-art equipment.